17th Reinforcement Regiment of Sri Lanka Artillery
The 17th Reinforcement Regiment of Sri Lanka Artillery, was raised on 25 April 2008 at Kalmadu under 57 Division for the purpose of having a reinforcement Regiment for the continuation of the Wanni Humanitarian Operation. The first Commanding Officer of 17th Reinforcement Regiment was Lieutenant Colonel BMP Basnayake RSP psc SLA. The 17th Reinforcement Regiment was consisted with five Batteries as, Headquarter Battery, 171 Battery. 172 Battery, 173 Battery and 174 Battery.
17th Reinforcement Regiment performed infantry role with other infantry Regiments and was a huge strength for the Humanitarian Operation. This Regiment was able to gain the control over Weliyatikulam, Plaweddi, and Nochchikulam under 621 Infantry Brigade. Later 17 (RFT) SLA was established in Oddusuddan after capturing Oddusudan by Sri Lanka Armed Forces. While conducting Wanni Humanitarian Operation, 17 (RFT) SLA was established in Puthukkudiyiruppu under 621 Infantry Brigade. Eventhough this Regiment has a short history, 11 soldiers sacrificed their lives during operation.
According to the restructuring plan of Sri Lanka Army, 17 (RFT) SLA was disbanded on 26 March 2012 and Officers, Other Ranks , equipments and weapons were divided among all Artillery Units.


Lt Col BMP Basnayake RSP psc From 2008.04.25 to 2009.11.07

Lt Col WN Somasiri RSP From 2009.11.08 to 2011.05.19

Lt Col BGS Fernandu psc From 2011.07.13 to 2012.04.11