Colour Gun

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Colonel Commandant

Maj Gen KVNP Premaratne RSP USP nps psc
Brigade Commander

Brig TGIA Ariyaratne RSP IG
Centre Commandant

Col NC Lokugalappaththi IG
Deputy Centre Commandant
Regimental Sergeant Major
WO I GVS Iroshan USP
The Colonel Commandant,and All Ranks
Regiment of Artillery
the following Officers
on their promotion
Col to T/Brig Col S N Wijesinghe USP IG
Lt Col to T/Col Lt Col W P K Senarath RWP RSP USP IG SLA Lt Col K A D M Wijesekara RSP IG SLA Lt Col T D Dissanayaka SLA Lt Col I P R Ilankoon USP psc SLA Lt Col A H M T Gunaratne RSP psc SLA
Maj to T/Lt Col Maj M K R Bandara psc SLA Maj B A J Pushpakumara RSP SLA Maj U K Jayasooriya RSP USP IG SLA Maj E B R M P S K Edirisinghe RSP psc IG SLA Maj V G P J Veekeliyagedara RSP USP psc IG SLA Maj M L S B Wijerathne psc IG SLA Maj W A M C Wijekoon USP psc SLA Maj R T J Jayaratne psc IG SLA Maj K J D M P J Bogahakumbura RWP RSP USP SLA Maj S I P Sirimanna RSP psc SLA
The Commander of the Army has approved the Confirmation of the under mentioned Officers in the
rank of
Maj Gen
T/ Maj Gen LF Kasthuriarachchi
T/Brig WBSM Abeysekera RSP USPÂ
T/Brig KTADS Kolambathantri RWP RSP USP psc IG
T/Brig DPU Gunasekera RWP USP IG
T/Maj T Bopitiya RSP psc
T/Maj U B Marasinghe psc
Information Archives
Seva Vanitha Branch
Seva Vanitha Branch

Mrs. Vindya Premaratne

The Colonel Commandant,
and All Ranks
Regiment of Artillery
the following Gunner Officer
on his birthday Maj Gen MJRS Medagoda RSP USP ndc psc IG 0772649303 20 March 2025